Thursday, April 09, 2009

ich back to school

Well I have started going back to school as part of my L&I retraining process. I am really hoping I can take the grind when I get to a full Schedule come fall. I am not sure my back will let me do this but I have to try instead of just giving up and calling it quits for my working life. Besides I have always had an interest in Engineering so I sure want this to work.
All the animals are doing good no more lost chickens and my turkey chicks have nearly tripled in size in 2 weeks. Have to get started fencing the new pig run as they are coming in early June. did 2 last year going to go for 3 this time around. I will sell 2 and pack one in my freezer. Got to say if you have an area you want cleared and prepared for a garden space or what every natures rototillers are fantastic.